sound is coming from behind the wall made of planks
when the spectator gets closer, through gaps between the planks he/she observes a video featuring the artist
I sit on the floor with my back against the wall; I'm throwing a tennis ball against the opposite wall and catching it again
endless repetition of one and the same meaningless action; practicing until perfection is attained
although the artist is free to choose his/her method(s) of work, he/she is bound by the limits of the artistic calling; marginalized, trapped in the narrow field of the art world
remake of the scene with Steve McQueen from the movie The Great Escape
BLACK and GOLDEN / 2010

two self-portraits; one painting is made from various types of black paint, the other is made of various types of gold
the paints are not mixed; each one is used exactly as it is manufactured
analytic and primary painting, monochrome, figurative - these are some of the issues that this work deals with
this is the first time in my professional career that I exhibit paintings
the titles are descriptive and suggestive; they describe the painting, but at the same time give the portraits (i.e. the author) a character
opposites are placed next to each other

bas-relief with my profile and name hangs on the wall
a rope barrier keeps visitors from getting too close
the setup suggests that the work presents an important person or character
the work is reminiscent of coins with portraits of rulers or important historic figures
it talks about the position of the author; the adoration, ambition and self-promotion

a video in which I perform the song "Sad but True" by Metallica
on each of the five monitors I'm shown performing the score: rhythm guitar, lead guitar, bass guitar, drums and vocals
although I have little or no knowledge of playing the instruments, I try my best
despite the efforts the result is miserable
doing things that go beyond one's competences, knowledge and capabilities
lack of respect towards other people's work and achievements
pretentious setting; high technology is used to hide the obvious incompetence
the work is a projection of the present moment in society
posters were used to advertise the video for the exhibition catalogue


video made in the manner of TV documentaries
using media for self-promotion
I invited people of different vocations to describe their impressions of me and my work in front of the camera
Božo Majstorović - Director of the Art Gallery in Split
Blaženka Perica - art historian
Damir Sokić - artist
Marina Viculin - curator
Jasmila Žbanić - director
Leon Lučev - actor
Dario Gregov - commander of the Zlarin Volunteer Fire Company
Boris Greiner - writer
the documentary reveals my great success in the art world, as well as some details from my private life, my education and childhood and my public engagement
in carefully chosen words, they talk about my acting talent (I'm compared to Robert De Niro and Marlon Brando), knowledge of linguistics and literature, how I saved lives and protected property in fires..
half-truths, fabrication, exaggeration and glorification with no bases in reality - they are all presented as facts
the visitor/observer is manipulated into believing that he or she is getting to know the true and undistorted image of the author
as a part of the project "Photo of the Sound" of the Third Programme of the Croatian Radio (Hrvatski radio), audio version of this work was broadcasted as a radio show; the Croatian Radio co-produced it


in this video work I'm holding clouds made of styrofoam in my hands, dressed in a tight golden costume that covers my head and body
disguised, I resemble a superhero with extraordinary powers
I play with the idea of power
Croatian phrase "vedriti i oblačiti" ("bind and loosen") is used as a reference to someone who has huge - political, financial, economic, social... - power or holds an important position
analogy with my name - Vedran: sunny day, a day without a cloud
in this case, I'm the one who "vedri i oblači" ("binds and loosens")

ambience of the royal court
a throne with a lion figure on each side, decorative plants, red and gold curtains; light show on the wall behind the throne
red flags with my face portrayed, my carved portrait heads on pedestals; one can assume that the throne also belongs to me
praising and glorifying the author as the highest authority; cult of personality
the gallery as a place where the author can be worshiped / the exhibition as the opportunity to worship the author
criticism of the exhibition politics and valorization in the art world

chest with gold coins (ducats)
chocolate coins wrapped in gold foil; my face and my name are embossed on the foil
the visitor can take and consume gold coins
the artist occupies a special place and as has the value of national treasure
quick and easy consumption of the afore-mentioned values

dressed in a traditional military uniform, I declare readiness to take action, but I confess that I'm not able to perform
phrase "to shoot from a cannon" is used mainly as an expression of dissatisfaction, frustration, desire to create new conditions through destruction, to change the present state
the phrase is also used to express readiness to achieve the highest goals
in both cases, the action is impossible without funds, logistics and support

the exhibition at the Waldinger Gallery in Osijek is a part of the series of exhibitions in which I dwell upon art and deal with art-related topics
I focused on the conceptual approach, which is my basic principle of work
my initial impetus was the fact that this is my first exhibition in Osijek and that the public there doesn't know me well
I don't know much about the situation in Osijek, so I couldn't refer to a specific situation or context
misunderstanding is the starting point of interaction with the audience; the audience doesn't know what I'm thinking, I don't know how the audience is thinking
I made a series of works that, visually, don't lead to a specific conclusion or transmit a particular message; then I disassociated myself from any explanation of the work
I also distanced myself from the text in the catalogue and the possible interpretations of the works described
I tried to animate the visitors to think about the exhibited works; they hold the key to their understanding
whatever their conclusion is - it's not correct, because I didn't mean like that!
the myth of the crazy, wacky artist who no-one understands
voluntarily taking that role
conversations that I had at the opening of the exhibition offered a completely new vision of works from those I had when I created them